Minimal Incision Bunionectomy
When people are suffering from a painful bunion condition, no one wants to have surgery. Today, podiatrists prefer to perform minimally invasive surgeries instead of traditional open surgeries.
In traditional surgery, a patient’s body is opened up to allow the surgeon to access the part of the body that needs to be repaired. Podiatric surgeons may need to create incisions in the foot as long as three to six inches to reach the bones, muscles, and tendons that need to be repaired for many conditions and injuries that affect the feet and ankles. Opening the body to this degree increases the risk of infection, scarring and often requires an extended recovery time. Minimal Incision Bunionectomy, on the other hand, is performed through a couple of small incisions, and in some cases, foot surgery may be performed without making an incision at all.
Minimally invasive surgery is performed using specially designed instruments, similar to the tiny instruments used by jewelers, which are inserted into the body through small incisions made through the skin directly to bone to help correct deformities without damaging the soft tissue.
This minimal incision bunionectomy is generally performed with local anesthesia.