Burning Feet
Having a sensation of burning feet can be caused by many conditions. The most common cause is peripheral neuropathy from diabetic nerve damage that is caused by poorly controlled blood sugar levels. Symptoms include a sense of tingling and numbness and a burning sensation that can range from mild to severe. Excessive alcohol consumption can also damage the peripheral nerves and cause a burning feeling.
What Causes Burning Feet?
1. Your Foot Posture
2. Peripheral Neuropathy (Diabetes)
3. Morton’s Neuroma
4. Nerve Compression Or Entrapment (Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome)
5. Traumatic Nerve Damage (Injury)
6. Athlete’s Foot (Fungal Infection)
7. Vitamin, mineral and other nutrient deficiencies
and more
Treatment options range from topical creams and gels used to temporarily alleviate symptoms of burning feet and to reduce pain messengers. Oral medications have been used with some success and are often started if topical medications prove ineffective. Several alternative therapies have also show to help with some patients symptoms.
If you have burning sensation in your feet, call us today: 773-205-0106