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Minimally Invasive Bunion Surgery Provided in Chicago IL

Minimally Invasive Bunion Surgery

Bunion correctors may not fix your bunion permanently.

Minimally invasive bunion surgery, also known as minimally invasive bunionectomy or keyhole bunion surgery, is a surgical procedure performed to correct a bunion deformity with smaller incisions and less disruption to the surrounding tissues compared to traditional open surgery. The goal of the surgery is to realign the bones of the big toe and restore normal foot function while minimizing scarring and reducing recovery time.

Here’s an overview of the procedure and its benefits:

  1. Procedure: Minimally invasive bunion surgery typically involves the following steps:
    • Small incisions: One or a few small incisions are made near the affected area.
    • Soft tissue preservation: The surgeon carefully moves and preserves the soft tissues (muscles, tendons) to access the bunion.
    • Bone realignment: The misaligned bones are corrected using specialized instruments.
    • Fixation: Screws, wires, or other devices may be used to stabilize the bones in their new position.
    • Incision closure: The incisions are closed with sutures or surgical glue.
  2. Benefits:
    • Smaller incisions: The smaller incisions result in less scarring and a more cosmetically appealing outcome.
    • Reduced soft tissue trauma: Minimally invasive techniques minimize damage to surrounding tissues, leading to less pain and swelling after surgery.
    • Quicker recovery: Patients often experience faster recovery and return to normal activities compared to traditional open surgery.
    • Lower risk of complications: Minimally invasive approaches have been associated with lower rates of infection, nerve damage, and other

Call to schedule an appointment for any our Chicago podiatry offices: 773-205-0106

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