Chicago Mobile Foot Care Limited

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Foot Fractures

Foot Fractures

A foot fracture is a break in one of the bones of the foot. Fractures can occur in any of the 26 bones that make up the foot, but the most common fractures occur in the toes, metatarsals (the long bones in the middle of the foot), and the heel bone (calcaneus).

The symptoms of a foot fracture may include pain, swelling, bruising, and difficulty walking or putting weight on the affected foot. In some cases, there may be a visible deformity or a bone protruding through the skin.

Treatment for a foot fracture will depend on the severity and location of the injury. Simple fractures may be treated with immobilization using a cast or a brace, while more complex fractures may require surgery to realign and stabilize the bones.

After a foot fracture, it is important to rest and protect the affected foot to allow for proper healing. Physical therapy may also be recommended to help restore strength and mobility to the foot.

If you suspect you have a foot fracture, it is important to seek medical attention promptly to prevent further damage and ensure proper healing.

If you have a foot fracture, call us today:  773-205-0106

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